Database Client

The main SIOT store is SQLite. SIOT supports additional database clients for purposes such as storing time-series data.

InfluxDB 2.x

Point data can be stored in an InfluxDB 2.0 Database by adding a Database node:


The following InfluxDB tags are added to every point:

  • (typically a UUID)
  • node.type (extracted from the type field in the edge data structure)
  • node.description (generated from the description point from the node)

Custom InfluxDB Tags

Additional tag tag points can be specified. The DB client will query and cache node points of these types for any point flowing through the system and then InfluxDB tags in the format: node.<point type>.<point key>. In the below example, we added a machine tag to the signal generator node generating the data.


When the tag field is specified in the database node, this machine tag is now added to the Influx tags for every sample.

  • value and type and fields from the point
  • node.description and node.type are automatically added
  • node.tag.machine got added because the tag point was added to the list of node points that get added as tags.


See the Graphing documentation for information on how to automatically map tags to graph labels.

InfluxDB indexes tags, so generally there is not a huge cost to adding tags to samples as the long string is only stored once.

Victoria Metrics

Victoria Metrics supports the InfluxDB v2 line protocol; therefore, it can be used for numerical data. Victoria Metrics does not support storing strings.