
The Simple IoT server currently provides both Http and NATS.io APIs. We've tried to keep the two APIs a similar as possible so it is easy to switch from one to the other. The Http API currently accepts JSON, and the NATS API uses protobuf.

NOTE, the Simple IoT API is not final and will continue to be refined in the coming months.


NATS.io allows more complex and efficient interactions between various system components (device, cloud, and web UI). These three parts of the system make IoT systems inherently distributed. NATS focuses on simplicity and is written in Go which ensures the Go client is a 1st class citizen and also allows for interesting possibilities such as embedding in the NATS server in various parts of the system. This allows us to keep our one-binary deployment model.

The siot binary embeds the NATS server, so there is no need to deploy and run a separate NATS server.

For the NATS transport, protobuf encoding is used for all transfers and are defined here.

  • Nodes
    • nodes.<parentId>.<nodeId>
      • Request/response -- returns an array of data.EdgeNode structs.
      • parent="all", then all instances of the node are returned.
      • parent is set and id="all", then all child nodes of the parent are returned.
      • parent="root" and id="all" to fetch the root node(s).
      • The following combinations are invalid:
        • parent="all" && id="all"
      • parameters can be specified as points in payload
        • tombstone with value field set to 1 will include deleted points
        • nodeType with text field set to node type will limit returned nodes to this type
    • p.<nodeId>
      • used to listen for or publish node point changes.
    • p.<nodeId>.<parentId>
      • used to publish/subscribe node edge points. The tombstone point type is used to track if a node has been deleted or not.
    • phr.<nodeId>
      • high rate point data
    • phrup.<upstreamId>.<nodeId>
      • high rate point data re-broadcasted upstream
    • up.<upstreamId>.<nodeId>
      • node points are rebroadcast at every upstream ID so that we can listen for point changes at any level. The sending node is also included in this. The store is responsible for posting to up subjects. Individual clients should not do this.
    • up.<upstreamId>.<nodeId>.<parentId>
      • edge points rebroadcast at every upstream node ID.
    • history.<nodeId>
      • Request/response -- payload is a JSON-encoded HistoryQuery struct. Returns a JSON-encoded data.HistoryResult.
  • Legacy APIs that are being deprecated
    • node.<id>.not
      • used when a node sends a notification (typically a rule, or a message sent directly from a node)
    • node.<id>.msg
      • used when a node sends a message (SMS, email, phone call, etc). This is typically initiated by a notification.
    • node.<id>.file (not currently implemented)
      • is used to transfer files to a node in chunks, which is optimized for unreliable networks like cellular and is handy for transfering software update files.
  • Auth
    • auth.user
      • used to authenticate a user. Send a request with email/password points, and the system will respond with the User nodes if valid. There may be multiple user nodes if the user is instantiated in multiple places in the node graph. A JWT node will also be returned with a token point. This JWT should be used to authenticate future requests. The frontend can then fetch the parent node for each user node.
    • auth.getNatsURI
      • this returns the NATS URI and Auth Token as points. This is used in cases where the client needs to set up a new connection to specify the no-echo option, or other features.
  • Admin
    • admin.error (not implemented yet)
      • any errors that occur are sent to this subject
    • admin.storeVerify
      • used to initiate a database verification process. This currently verifies hash values are correct and responds with an error string.
    • admin.storeMaint
      • corrects errors in the store (current incorrect hash values)


For details on data payloads, it is simplest to just refer to the Go types which have JSON tags.

Most APIs that do not return specific data (update/delete) return a StandardResponse

  • Nodes
    • data structure
    • /v1/nodes
      • GET: return a list of all nodes
      • POST: insert a new node
    • /v1/nodes/:id
      • GET: return info about a specific node. Body can optionally include the id of parent node to include edge point information.
      • DELETE: delete a node
    • /v1/nodes/:id/parents
      • POST: move node to new parent
      • PUT: mirror/duplicate node
      • body is JSON api/nodes.go:NodeMove or NodeCopy structs
    • /v1/nodes/:id/points
      • POST: post points for a node
    • /v1/nodes/:id/cmd
      • GET: gets a command for a node and clears it from the queue. Also clears the CmdPending flag in the Device state.
      • POST: posts a cmd for the node and sets the node CmdPending flag.
    • /v1/nodes/:id/not
      • POST: send a notification to all node users and upstream users
  • Auth
    • /v1/auth
      • POST: accepts email and password as form values, and returns a JWT Auth token

HTTP Examples

You can post a point using the HTTP API without authorization using curl:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d '[{"type":"value", "value":100}]' http://localhost:8118/v1/nodes/be183c80-6bac-41bc-845b-45fa0b1c7766/points

If you want HTTP authorization, set the SIOT_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable before starting Simple IoT and then pass the token in the authorization header:

curl -i -H "Authorization: f3084462-3fd3-4587-a82b-f73b859c03f9" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d '[{"type":"value", "value":100}]' http://localhost:8118/v1/nodes/be183c80-6bac-41bc-845b-45fa0b1c7766/points