
    Code Organization🔗

    Currently, there are a lot of subdirectories. One reason for this is to limit the size of application binaries when building edge/embedded Linux binaries. In some use cases, we want to deploy app updates over cellular networks, therefore we want to keep packages as small as possible. For instance, if we put the natsserver stuff in the nats package, then app binaries grow a couple MB, even if you don't start a nats server. It is not clear yet what Go does for dead code elimination, but at this point, it seems referencing a package increases the binary size, even if you don't use anything in it. (Clarification welcome!)

    For edge applications on Embedded Linux, we'd eventually like to get rid of net/http, since we can do all network communications over NATS. We're not there yet, but be careful about pulling in dependencies that require net/http into the nats package, and other low level packages intended for use on devices.



    Coding Standards🔗

    Please run siot_test from before submitting pull requests. All code should be formatted and linted before committing.

    Please configure your editor to run code formatters:

    • Go: goimports
    • Elm: elm-format
    • Markdown: prettier (note, there is a .prettierrc in this project that configures prettier to wrap markdown to 80 characters. Whether to wrap markdown or not is debatable, as wrapping can make diff's harder to read, but Markdown is much more pleasant to read in an editor if it is wrapped. Since more people will be reading documentation than reviewing, lets optimize for the reading in all scenarios -- editor, Github, and generated docs)

    Running unit tests🔗

    There are not a lot of unit tests in the project yet, but below are some examples of running tests:

    • test everything: go test ./...
    • test only db directory: go test ./db

    The leading ./ is important, otherwise Go things you are giving it a package name, not a directory. The ... tells Go to recursively test all subdirs.